Machine Conformity Audit Helps prioritize machine-related safety issues.
- Provides a consistent priority for each machine, based on scores for severity, guarding, lockout/tagout compliance, and the existing safety control system.
- A color-coded high-level scorecard is created, allowing machines to be sorted based on overall compliance or category scores.
- Each machine has more detailed notes and photo feedback on the non-compliant issues found for each category.
- Identifying safety improvements can be accomplished by in plant maintenance or EHS personnel.
- Priorities can be set for full risk assessments based on scores and machine types.
- Updating scores as improvements are made can be documented, demonstrating commitment to safety improvements, to both management and personnel.
Many companies know they have machine safety issues related to lockout/tagout, machine guarding, and machine safety systems. They also know they have many machines to address and are not sure where to start. They need a method to help them prioritize where to invest in safety improvements in a consistent way. The conformity audit process may find deficiencies in the lockout/tagout program and devices, which can often be improved, by plant personnel. There may be deficiencies in guarding or safety systems, that require a more in-depth risk assessment. Knowing which machines have the greatest issues, if there are common machines, and therefore similar solutions, and knowing what future new machines are being considered, allows a facility to make informed decisions about future investments in safety improvements.